"It's alive! It's alive!"
How To Recover From Autism.
by Chryssie.
This is my story.
As Jenny McCarthy said, "You cannot be cured of being hit by a bus, but you can recover from it." This means you may never be rid of all Autism symptoms, but you can alleviate them to the extent thet you are no longer incapacitated by it.
I vigorously recommend you do what I did because I can tell you first-hand thet it worked well for me.
However, I want to make it clear thet if you have met 1 Autistic you have met 1 Autistic; i.e., what worked wonders for me may not work for you - but if you have not made the level of recovery I have (alleviating my symptoms by 2/3), you have nothing to lose by giving my recommendations a try.
First of all, Vaccines cause Intestinal Autism. Period. End of discussion. Read the book A Shot In the Dark (see my review).
Second: Get the hell away from the medical profession. They are the ones who caused Autism in the first place, and are terrified they will get sued if they admit it, so they just add another layer of lies to protect the previous lies about their own incompetence.
All Dr Frankenstein Mengele knows how to do is prescribe drugs to mask the symptoms of drugs prescribed to mask the symptoms of drugs prescribed to mask the symptoms of drugs. Get these drug-pushing puppet/whores of the pharmaceutical industry out of your life!
Third: If you have "Silver Amalgam" fillings in your teeth, get them replaced. "Silver" fillings are actually made of 50% Mercury! The symptoms of Mercury poisoning are the same as those of Autism.
Read the book Its All In Your Head (see my review), then contact 1 of the few dentists who know how to remove them properly (call The Huggins Diagnostic Center (in the USA) at 800 331-2303 or see www.hugginsappliedhealing.com to find a practitioner in your area). The fillings have electrical charges in them and must be removed in a specific order. Most dentists do not know that.
Chelation (taking mega vitamins to help your body eliminate the mercury poisoning) is also vigorously recommended (I took mega zinc and mega niacin, for I had lead poisoning along with mercury poisoning).
Next - Food: No human may ingest Sugar, Chocolate, Caffeine, Alcohol, Soy, nor Milk. These are poison to all people.
The GF/CF Diet works.
Autistics specifically are especially sensitive to Gluten (in wheat, oats, rye, barley, and peanuts), Casein (milk in any form), Phenol (in apples, pears, and bananas), Soy (AKA, "textured vegetable protein", and "modified food starch"), Yeast, and Mold. Mushrooms are mold, and corn and melons have an especially high natural mold content. Autistics cannot eat these things.
Also, do not live in Western Washington or Western Oregon. This area is the second moldiest place on Earth! Portland Oregon and vicinity registers as having the 3rd worst air quality in the USA. This is not due to industrial pollution, it is due entirely to mold spores in the air. If you live there you will develop a mold allergy, and if you are Autistic you are doomed - the mold exhausts your immune system setting you up to catch every bug thet comes along. Seattle WA is the suicide capital of the USA, and Portland OR is #2. This is due to chronic Seasonal Affective Disorder, and Chronic Fatigue, both greatly exacerbated by the literal clouds of mold spores. Move to Texas, Arizona, Southern California, or New Mexico where it is hot and dry all the time - thus no mold. Me living in the desert tremendously alleviated my mold-induced Chronic Fatigue and alternating states of rage and despair.
As for GF/CF, if you go on this diet and are not cured in a week, do not assume it does not work. In my case, I had to be on the diet for 4 years before I realized the full effect.
Then go on the Blood Type Diet; read the book Eat Right For Your Type (see my review). All people are naturally allergic to specific foods according to their blood type; e.g., all people with Type O blood are allergic to coconut, and "Acid Reflux Disease" flat-out does not exist - it is merely the effect of Type O blood and the wrong diet. This specific diet balanced my weight and helped even out my mood. I am 6 feet tall and 165 pounds - perfect weight for my height, at 51 years of age! Exercise has nothing to do with it, and I eat as much as I want. I feel good all the time and I never get sick.
When I lived in Oregon and was still eating wrong, I was 30 lbs over-weight, had perpetual cold-sores, profusely bleeding intestines, was clinically depressed, and suicidal.
Then I moved to Tucson AZ (roasting hot, thus no mold) and got on the GF/CF Diet, then added the Blood Type Diet. Now I am in perfect health and feel great.
There are 2 types of Autism: Neurological (a physical brain malformity you are born with), and Intestinal (caused by vaccine and antibiotic damage). Taking mega-doses of Probiotics will seed the intestines with the proper flora for good digestion, which thus allows the vaccine-damaged gut to process nutrients properly. You can get Probiotics in any health-food store.
All people need multi-vitamins. Due to the damage in the Autistic gut, they need especially high doses to compensate for mal-absorption. Take mega-multi vitamins.
Autistics have an especially high need for B6, K2, D3, Glutathione, Magnesium, and Selenium. These things specifically have helped me a lot. The K2 is especially good at healing the intestinal damage.
I want to point out the importance of doing these 1 at a time; i.e., take B6 (in addition to your regular mega-multi) at a specific dosage for a week, and see what happens. Then up the dosage for a week, then up it again for a week. Keep upping it until you see a change, and reduce it if it seems like too much. Your body will tell you.
Only after you have found the right dosage for you should you then go on to the next vitamin on the list. Again start out low and keep upping it weekly until you find the right dosage for you.
In my case, I had to take 30,000% of the recommended daily allowance of D3 before I got too much! With K2, I only needed about 250%. Meanwhile someone else might take less than 100% of the RDA and still have too much for them. Each person's chemistry is different, so do not depend on the "recommended daily allowance" BS. Keep adjusting until you find the right dosage for you.
Be sure to do them 1 at a time, for if you begin by taking them all at once, you will definitely feel better, but not know what dosage of which is doing the trick.
It took me months to find the right dosages, then several more months before my body adjusted and started alleviating my symptoms; i.e., again, do not assume it does not work if you are not cured in a week. Stay with it.
MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) is a substance invented to cure Malaria. It works. It digests, enters your blood stream, turns to chlorine, thus killing the bad bugs (including Malaria) but not the good. It is a miracle cure-all for whatever ails you. I vigorously recommend it. It really helped in healing my intestinal damage.
Doing the above (GF/CF, Blood Type Diet, pills, and MMS) has collectively alleviated my symptoms by about 1/3, due to the fact I had Intestinal Autism.
Next comes the Irlen lenses. Go to Irlen.com and take the free test. This will determine whether these lenses can help you.
Elton John, Ozzy Ozborne, and Whoopi Goldberg all wear their famous colored-lens glasses; these are Irlen lenses which alleviate their assorted visual processing disorders.
I wear these glasses myself, and they have changed my life! See the Irlen Lenses page for my personal diary on the subject.
Again, it took 11 months for my visual processor to fully adjust to the lenses, so do not assume they do not work just because you are not cured in a week.
Next comes Audio Integration Training. Go to georgianainstitute.org for information. Any Autistic with hyper-sensitive hearing can benefit greatly from AIT. See the AIT page for my personal diary on the subject. This too has benefited me a lot.
It took my audio processor 10 months to fully adjust. Be patient.
The Irlen lenses and the AIT combined have alleviated my symptoms by another 1/3, due to the fact I also have Neurological Autism (like Temple and Donna, my sensory processors are both over-sized and intermingle).
My specific symptoms were outright rage-attacks (classic Autistic meltdowns) and petrifying anxiety; both caused by my ability to see Ultra Violet light, which kept me perpetually wincing in pain and anger. The lenses alleviated all the anger and half of the anxiety - faulty visual processing being my worst problem.
AIT alleviated the other half of my anxiety, now thet I can finally hear properly.
I also have Synesthesia; i.e., the ability to hear light and see sound. Thus irritating noise freaks out my visual processing, and bright light freaks out my hearing, while I can see Ultra Violet and hear 20dB too loud; the perpetual assault on my (super-human, and this is not a gift!) senses was unbearable.
I did not want to spin and flap; I wanted to rage and kill. But today I am known for having an especially even temper and calm vibe, thanks entirely to GF/CF, Blood Type Diet, pills, Probiotics, MMS, Irlen lenses, and AIT.
Irlen and AIT also collectively calmed down my touch-aversion (the sensation of the vibrating cell phone used to be terrifying, now it does not bother me at all).
I used to have a very bad case of Aspergers; I might even call it PDD-NOS. See (my reviews of) the movies My Name Is Khan, Breaking Point, and Train Man: Densha Okoto - mix those 3 characters together and you pretty-much had me. It was blatantly obvious to anyone.
Today I have a mild case of Aspergers. No one would know unless I told them. I now consider myself 2/3 cured.
Please read all my book reviews in which I elaborate greatly on what worked for me, and how and why they worked.
Also see (my glowing review of) the presentation Thriving With Autism.
by Chryssie.
This is my story.
As Jenny McCarthy said, "You cannot be cured of being hit by a bus, but you can recover from it." This means you may never be rid of all Autism symptoms, but you can alleviate them to the extent thet you are no longer incapacitated by it.
I vigorously recommend you do what I did because I can tell you first-hand thet it worked well for me.
However, I want to make it clear thet if you have met 1 Autistic you have met 1 Autistic; i.e., what worked wonders for me may not work for you - but if you have not made the level of recovery I have (alleviating my symptoms by 2/3), you have nothing to lose by giving my recommendations a try.
First of all, Vaccines cause Intestinal Autism. Period. End of discussion. Read the book A Shot In the Dark (see my review).
Second: Get the hell away from the medical profession. They are the ones who caused Autism in the first place, and are terrified they will get sued if they admit it, so they just add another layer of lies to protect the previous lies about their own incompetence.
All Dr Frankenstein Mengele knows how to do is prescribe drugs to mask the symptoms of drugs prescribed to mask the symptoms of drugs prescribed to mask the symptoms of drugs. Get these drug-pushing puppet/whores of the pharmaceutical industry out of your life!
Third: If you have "Silver Amalgam" fillings in your teeth, get them replaced. "Silver" fillings are actually made of 50% Mercury! The symptoms of Mercury poisoning are the same as those of Autism.
Read the book Its All In Your Head (see my review), then contact 1 of the few dentists who know how to remove them properly (call The Huggins Diagnostic Center (in the USA) at 800 331-2303 or see www.hugginsappliedhealing.com to find a practitioner in your area). The fillings have electrical charges in them and must be removed in a specific order. Most dentists do not know that.
Chelation (taking mega vitamins to help your body eliminate the mercury poisoning) is also vigorously recommended (I took mega zinc and mega niacin, for I had lead poisoning along with mercury poisoning).
Next - Food: No human may ingest Sugar, Chocolate, Caffeine, Alcohol, Soy, nor Milk. These are poison to all people.
The GF/CF Diet works.
Autistics specifically are especially sensitive to Gluten (in wheat, oats, rye, barley, and peanuts), Casein (milk in any form), Phenol (in apples, pears, and bananas), Soy (AKA, "textured vegetable protein", and "modified food starch"), Yeast, and Mold. Mushrooms are mold, and corn and melons have an especially high natural mold content. Autistics cannot eat these things.
Also, do not live in Western Washington or Western Oregon. This area is the second moldiest place on Earth! Portland Oregon and vicinity registers as having the 3rd worst air quality in the USA. This is not due to industrial pollution, it is due entirely to mold spores in the air. If you live there you will develop a mold allergy, and if you are Autistic you are doomed - the mold exhausts your immune system setting you up to catch every bug thet comes along. Seattle WA is the suicide capital of the USA, and Portland OR is #2. This is due to chronic Seasonal Affective Disorder, and Chronic Fatigue, both greatly exacerbated by the literal clouds of mold spores. Move to Texas, Arizona, Southern California, or New Mexico where it is hot and dry all the time - thus no mold. Me living in the desert tremendously alleviated my mold-induced Chronic Fatigue and alternating states of rage and despair.
As for GF/CF, if you go on this diet and are not cured in a week, do not assume it does not work. In my case, I had to be on the diet for 4 years before I realized the full effect.
Then go on the Blood Type Diet; read the book Eat Right For Your Type (see my review). All people are naturally allergic to specific foods according to their blood type; e.g., all people with Type O blood are allergic to coconut, and "Acid Reflux Disease" flat-out does not exist - it is merely the effect of Type O blood and the wrong diet. This specific diet balanced my weight and helped even out my mood. I am 6 feet tall and 165 pounds - perfect weight for my height, at 51 years of age! Exercise has nothing to do with it, and I eat as much as I want. I feel good all the time and I never get sick.
When I lived in Oregon and was still eating wrong, I was 30 lbs over-weight, had perpetual cold-sores, profusely bleeding intestines, was clinically depressed, and suicidal.
Then I moved to Tucson AZ (roasting hot, thus no mold) and got on the GF/CF Diet, then added the Blood Type Diet. Now I am in perfect health and feel great.
There are 2 types of Autism: Neurological (a physical brain malformity you are born with), and Intestinal (caused by vaccine and antibiotic damage). Taking mega-doses of Probiotics will seed the intestines with the proper flora for good digestion, which thus allows the vaccine-damaged gut to process nutrients properly. You can get Probiotics in any health-food store.
All people need multi-vitamins. Due to the damage in the Autistic gut, they need especially high doses to compensate for mal-absorption. Take mega-multi vitamins.
Autistics have an especially high need for B6, K2, D3, Glutathione, Magnesium, and Selenium. These things specifically have helped me a lot. The K2 is especially good at healing the intestinal damage.
I want to point out the importance of doing these 1 at a time; i.e., take B6 (in addition to your regular mega-multi) at a specific dosage for a week, and see what happens. Then up the dosage for a week, then up it again for a week. Keep upping it until you see a change, and reduce it if it seems like too much. Your body will tell you.
Only after you have found the right dosage for you should you then go on to the next vitamin on the list. Again start out low and keep upping it weekly until you find the right dosage for you.
In my case, I had to take 30,000% of the recommended daily allowance of D3 before I got too much! With K2, I only needed about 250%. Meanwhile someone else might take less than 100% of the RDA and still have too much for them. Each person's chemistry is different, so do not depend on the "recommended daily allowance" BS. Keep adjusting until you find the right dosage for you.
Be sure to do them 1 at a time, for if you begin by taking them all at once, you will definitely feel better, but not know what dosage of which is doing the trick.
It took me months to find the right dosages, then several more months before my body adjusted and started alleviating my symptoms; i.e., again, do not assume it does not work if you are not cured in a week. Stay with it.
MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) is a substance invented to cure Malaria. It works. It digests, enters your blood stream, turns to chlorine, thus killing the bad bugs (including Malaria) but not the good. It is a miracle cure-all for whatever ails you. I vigorously recommend it. It really helped in healing my intestinal damage.
Doing the above (GF/CF, Blood Type Diet, pills, and MMS) has collectively alleviated my symptoms by about 1/3, due to the fact I had Intestinal Autism.
Next comes the Irlen lenses. Go to Irlen.com and take the free test. This will determine whether these lenses can help you.
Elton John, Ozzy Ozborne, and Whoopi Goldberg all wear their famous colored-lens glasses; these are Irlen lenses which alleviate their assorted visual processing disorders.
I wear these glasses myself, and they have changed my life! See the Irlen Lenses page for my personal diary on the subject.
Again, it took 11 months for my visual processor to fully adjust to the lenses, so do not assume they do not work just because you are not cured in a week.
Next comes Audio Integration Training. Go to georgianainstitute.org for information. Any Autistic with hyper-sensitive hearing can benefit greatly from AIT. See the AIT page for my personal diary on the subject. This too has benefited me a lot.
It took my audio processor 10 months to fully adjust. Be patient.
The Irlen lenses and the AIT combined have alleviated my symptoms by another 1/3, due to the fact I also have Neurological Autism (like Temple and Donna, my sensory processors are both over-sized and intermingle).
My specific symptoms were outright rage-attacks (classic Autistic meltdowns) and petrifying anxiety; both caused by my ability to see Ultra Violet light, which kept me perpetually wincing in pain and anger. The lenses alleviated all the anger and half of the anxiety - faulty visual processing being my worst problem.
AIT alleviated the other half of my anxiety, now thet I can finally hear properly.
I also have Synesthesia; i.e., the ability to hear light and see sound. Thus irritating noise freaks out my visual processing, and bright light freaks out my hearing, while I can see Ultra Violet and hear 20dB too loud; the perpetual assault on my (super-human, and this is not a gift!) senses was unbearable.
I did not want to spin and flap; I wanted to rage and kill. But today I am known for having an especially even temper and calm vibe, thanks entirely to GF/CF, Blood Type Diet, pills, Probiotics, MMS, Irlen lenses, and AIT.
Irlen and AIT also collectively calmed down my touch-aversion (the sensation of the vibrating cell phone used to be terrifying, now it does not bother me at all).
I used to have a very bad case of Aspergers; I might even call it PDD-NOS. See (my reviews of) the movies My Name Is Khan, Breaking Point, and Train Man: Densha Okoto - mix those 3 characters together and you pretty-much had me. It was blatantly obvious to anyone.
Today I have a mild case of Aspergers. No one would know unless I told them. I now consider myself 2/3 cured.
Please read all my book reviews in which I elaborate greatly on what worked for me, and how and why they worked.
Also see (my glowing review of) the presentation Thriving With Autism.